Merlin Connect - Merlin
Merlin Connect

Merlin Connect is the only seamless solution for emerging platforms to access a rich catalog of quality independent music to transform the platform experience, amplify their growth, and drive user stickiness.

Music Licensing Remains a Massive Challenge for Emerging Platforms

Emerging technology platforms want access to quality music, but approach the industry with little understanding of how music licensing works.

Platforms that attempt to license quality music find the process incredibly challenging, overly time consuming, and very expensive.

Amassing a meaningful catalog of quality music also creates operational strains for emerging platforms.

Using production music – i.e., background music with no recognizable artist and no fanbase – leads to low music consumption and little impact on platform engagement.

Jump Start Your Platform with Merlin Connect

Merlin Connect is the solution for emerging technology platforms to access quality music.

  • Transform your platform experience
  • Amplify your growth
  • Drive user engagement

The Merlin Solution

Our membership of leading independent labels, distributors, and other rights holders represents over 15% of the global recorded music market. Through Merlin Connect, partners can license a subset of quality music to fuel their platform growth. Partners gain access to Merlin’s members, mentorship opportunities, artist marketing, and other support services from Merlin’s global team. 

How Does It Work? Simply.

Leading independent record labels commit a subset of their quality music to Merlin Connect partnerships.

You receive content seamlessly via Merlin’s API pull delivery – no need to integrate with complex delivery protocols.

Access High Quality Music to Power Your Growth

Merlin Connect…

  • Jump starts your business: Users are more engaged when there’s music. Merlin Connect gives you the quality music catalog you need to drive users to your platform.
  • Increases your likelihood of success: Merlin’s team provides support and best practices on how music can best be operationalized for success.
  • Sends a strong signal to the marketplace: Investors, fans, and users will view your platform (and your business) in a different light when you license quality music.

How to Apply

Please ensure you satisfy the following requirements before applying for Merlin Connect consideration:


You are not a digital music platform.

Merlin Connect is not meant for platforms whose primary product is music. If you are a digital music platform, please visit our Becoming a Partner page, which includes more information about Merlin partnership for digital music platforms.


You understand that Merlin Connect is not a full catalog licensing solution.

Merlin Connect is designed to alleviate the challenges platforms face when attempting to license quality music. We provide a diverse, but limited catalog of music from across Merlin’s global membership.


You must be able to integrate your platform via an API.

You have familiarity with oauth2 tokens and webhook setup.

Apply for Merlin Connect

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